Our academic staff have extensive experience teaching classes, giving talks and engaging audiences about Israel, the Bible and Jewish-Christian relations. We have taught thousands of American students visiting Israel, Jewish and Christian travelers and clergy.
Group sessions can be arranged at your hotel and at select tourist sites around the Galilee and Jerusalem.
Our staff regularly teach Jewish and Christian audiences in Israel and abroad, and would be delighted to speak on any of the following topics, and more.

Rabbinic Judaism in the New Testament
Early Jewish Followers of Jesus and Torah
A New Testament God of Love? Love in the Hebrew Bible
Hebraisms in the New Testament
Ruth and Naaman: Two Paths to Israel’s God
Reading Jewish/Reading Christian? Isaiah 53
Eating with Gentiles: Tensions Over Defilement
Jewish-Christian Relations
Anti-Christian Polemics in Rabbinic Texts
Israel's Feasts as Place of Jewish-Christian Connection and Separation
Jewish-Christian Relations: Where we have Been, Where are we Now, and How to Move Forward?
The Hebraic Home: Resources for Christian Families
How Jews and Christians Misunderstand Each Other And Why it Matters
What’s a Nice Jew Like You Doing At Church? Tales from the Jewish-Christian Border
How Jews Understand Christian Support for Israel
Jewish and Christian Family Values
Jewish Shabbat/Christian Sabbath: What can we Learn?

Christian Anti-Zionism: Its Roots and its Threat
Aliyah to Israel, and the role of the Nations in Helping the Jews Home
Christian Communities in Israel Today
Zionist History and Thought
Trends within Religious Zionism